Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Second Inaugural Post

Anybody out therethere…there?
If words fall on a blog page and no one is around to read them was anything said?
It’s been ten years since I posted anything here. No one left any comments. I lost interest after a few months. In fact I had forgotten all about this blog until the recent unpleasantness in my life. You can read about it in my article “Dispatch from the Front” at
My sudden change in finances had me thinking about Internet revenue possibilities. My retirement program should be adequate but a little extra would be nice. That meant I would need to start a website or blog. Then I remembered…Oh Yeah! I HAVE a blog! Somewhere.
Here it is! Had to Google myself to find it. With this post I am resurrecting that blog.
I have begun a new adventure. If you know me you are not surprised. One friend has an address book dedicated just to me. He had gotten tired of erasing and rewriting address entries. Now he just adds them to the list. Don’t worry Hal. I didn’t move this time.
I have to thank Becky Akers for encouraging me to submit my story to Becky is an accomplished writer. She writes for, the largest libertarian website in the world. She has also written two historic novels: Halestorm, about the heroic Nathan Hale and Abducting Arnold, a story of Benedict Arnold you are not likely to see anywhere else.
I have provided links to Becky’s books on Amazon but I do not get any revenue from them. I don’t think this blog qualifies for Amazon’s affiliate program because the posts are so old and most of the links no longer work. It will take me a while to update the blog and apply for Affiliate status.
I would also like to thank Cindy Beyerlein, PhD, for her emotional support during this. She is a friend and financial advisor. She didn’t know that I had resigned from my job until after the fact. Then she scrambled to analyze my new situation. If you are in need of a financial advisor that really cares about her clients she can be contacted at Ameriprise Financial. I get nothing for this referral either. (Well, she may give me a hug me the next time we meet. It’s the “hugs-for-plugs” program).
Here’s the link to my article: “Dispatch from the Front”.
[Updated July 11, 2020 to reflect posting at LRC]

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